February 12, 2018 | BPS Activities
One of the surveys conducted by BPS on a regular basis every year is the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas). Through Susenas collected data relating to socio-economic conditions of society include health conditions, education, fertility, family planning, housing and other socio-economic conditions. Data and indicators from Susenas have been widely used and is seen as one of the important evidence that can be useful for planning, monitoring and evaluation of government development programs. Therefore continuity of availability and quality of data must be maintained and enhanced.
As already known, the quality of data is influenced by two things: sampling and non sampling error. Quality data must have the lowest error. In an effort to obtain quality data is highly dependent of the quality of officers. Therefore, training becomes a very important stage in producing qualified personnel.
Training on TC of Tapanuli Tengah regency itself was held on 5-11 Februari 2018 at Hotel Grand Kanaya, having its address at Jl. Raya Padangsidimpuan Km.10 Pandan. The training consists of 2 classes with a total of 32 participants.BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah (BPS - Statistics of Tapanuli Tengah Regency)Jl. N. Daulay
22611 Pandan
Telp (0631) 371082
Faks (0631) 372066
Email : bps1204@bps.go.id
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